Clinics We Offer

All Patients
A medical check up is available every three years for patients between 16 and 75 years of age. Patients over 75 may request a consultation every 12 months.
Blood Tests
The Health Care Assistant takes any blood samples, which the Doctor has requested for testing, every morning by appointment.
Chronic Disease Clinic
(Asthma, Diabetes and Heart Disease, COPD)
The Practice Nurse holds daily clinics for review of treatment and to offer advice both to patients and their relatives. Annual checks are also carried out in these clinics.
Hypertension (Blood Pressure) can be monitored at the Surgery by one of our Health Care Assistants, please ask at reception to make an appointment.
Elderly Patients
Health assessments are available at the surgery. If you already know the District Nurse or if you are housebound, the assessment can be carried out at your home.

Contraceptive implants
This service is offered by Dr Hubbard to all patients registered at this Practice and patients within the Doncaster area. If you would like a coil fitted you must speak to a Doctor for referral to this clinic. Please ask at Reception for further details.
Coil Fitting
This service is offered to all patients registered at this Practice and patients within the Doncaster area. If you would like a coil fitted you must speak to a Doctor for referral to this clinic. Please ask at Reception for further details.
Dietician Service
We have a dietician who holds appointments for Don Valley Healthcare patients and can give specialist advice regarding nutrition, diet and weight management.
Physiotherapy Service
Our in house physiotherapists offer appointments to help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement, excersise, manual therapy, education and advice.

Minor Surgery
Certain minor surgical procedures are carried out at the Practice by Dr Clark, Dr McHardy and Dr Grimwood. Please see your usual Doctor for referral.
Well Baby Clinic
A Doctor and Practice Nurse hold child health clinics at each of our three sites. This is by appointment only for immunisations. Please do not bring your child to this clinic if he/she is ill – i.e. has a high temperature, vomiting, diarrhoea or common cold symptoms. Please make an appointment in general surgery times for these conditions.
Well Person Screening
We offer a well woman screening service, including cervical smears and hormone replacement therapy. Appointments are available with the Practice Nurse.